Jalani kehidupan seekor anjing dalam petualangan online ini, jelajahi dunia 3D yang masif, dan besarkan keluarga anjing Dalmatian!

Petualangan dimulai saat anjing favorit Anda berkembang biak di simulator hewan baru ini. Jelajahi dunia 3D dan jalani kehidupan seekor anjing yang mencoba bertahan dan menjadi anjing terkuat!


  • WASD atau tombol panah untuk bergerak
  • Tombol kiri mouse untuk menyerang
  • Space bar untuk melompat
  • 'Bergeser' untuk berlari

Tidak ada yang mengatakan bahwa menjadi anjing itu mudah! Kamu bisa mengetahui seperti apa game simulasi 3D liar ini. Bergabunglah dengan Dalmatian ini dan teman-temannya sambil mencari koin, makanan enak, dan lainnya.

Kendalikan Dalmatian dan Anda harus berjalan di sekitar area tersebut, mencoba bertahan dan menjadi kuat.

You can take on the role of dog and roam a big world! In this game, you will meet many characters who need your help. Can you complete all tasks? From villages to forests, be prepared to travel around a large open world. The aim of this game is quite fun and simple. As a dog, you are free to do whatever you want in this game. You can get different quests from different characters, hunt for food and even start a family. You can use keyboard and mouse to play this game. To get started, click the Play button. Then choose your character's genre and give it a name. In the upper left corner of the screen, you can see your character's stats. These are health, endurance, food, and coins. You lose your health when you run into aggressive characters. You can recover through food. A dog has to run! Your endurance is exhausted as you run, but it will replenish when you rest. Approach a character to get a search and follow the pointers to reach your target. You earn coins when you complete missions. Collect meat by hunting and use it to improve your family's skills. Have fun!

Dog Simulator 3D ditambahkan di Game Anjing.